Spiritual Mindset Coaching

What is Mindset Coaching with Soraya?

What is mindset coaching? How can I help my clients?

Who is this coaching a great fit for? What does it help with?

In this article, I’ll answer all these questions and more, so if you’re curious, stay tuned and let’s dive in!

If you’re looking for information on how to get started with coaching, you may like to take a look at How Coaching with Soraya Works.

Coaching is Magic

Why do I say that coaching is magic?

Because quite simply, I believe it is. Not all coaching of course. Some coaching is about following a step-by-step, consistent path which takes you from A to B. Think about learning to cook, for example.

If you had coaching to learn how to cook, that would be a practical journey from not cooking to cooking.

Or getting fit – that coaching might be about setting out a routine and following it to a T.

But what about Mindset Coaching? What is it, if it isn’t just a practical journey?

The power of mindset coaching is that it’s full of revelations of how we ourselves are creating and limiting our lives all the time.

All the time.

What you see around you is what you are creating within.

Want to lose weight? To give up alcohol? Take up exercise? Be more mindful? Get rid of a phobia? Experience more joy and abundance? Have a better relationship with your loved ones?

All of these and more are reflections of our inner world.

We see a problem as external to us, but when we dive into our thoughts, we discover that we’ve been creating the problem all along. Or at the very least, that we’ve been choosing the most painful response to the problem.

There’s always something we can do to empower ourselves more.

Is Mindset Spiritual?

It can be. But it doesn’t have to be.

You may believe in Divine intervention, in Manifesting your Dreams or in applying the Law of Attraction.

You may believe in chance happenings or coincidences.

Or you may believe in synchronicity.

Here’s the magic . . .

Mindset refers to your toolbox. So if your toolbox includes manifesting techniques, then so will your mindset.

If you are in touch with your spiritual guides and you listen to them, this becomes a part of your mindset.

What you bring to the coaching sessions will grow in alignment with your desires.

In coaching, you’re the star. I am the person who sees your beauty and your potential, and who is there to support you 100%. I help you to connect to and harness your innate inner power and reframe your thoughts to create better results.

This means I’m not imposing my ideas upon you but rather I’m asking YOU what you truly desire and in the process, you get to understand your subconscious drivers.

The subconscious voices that are making your decisions.

And then the magic happens. It’s like, ‘Whoooo, wow! Now I get it!’

It’s an organic process that shifts how you get to create your life.

And throughout it all, we share tips, tools and techniques which you can take away with you for the future so that you’re better armed against any relapse into the unwanted behaviour.

Spiritual Mindset

What makes your coaching ‘spiritual’? And what is ‘Spiritual Mindset Coaching?’

We are Spirit having an experience in this lifetime. There are greater powers than us at play and when we awaken to this, we connect with our higher self, the divine Source Energy and we experience a deep confidence and trust in the universe.

Spiritual mindset coaching allows these greater forces to support us. It shows us how to connect to our inner abundance and how to create true self-love.

Mindset is based on how we use our beliefs and how our thoughts influence our decisions, our actions and our results, while at the same time facilitating the law of attraction to attract to you the results you desire and connection to the higher self.

Who Am I, to Coach You?

It is not ‘I’ the ego who helps you to connect with your true desires but rather the greater wisdom of the Universe.

I’ve been through a lot of transformation in my own personal life.

During the first 50 years of my life, it was all about absorbing my experiences. Then, the next 5 years were a time of exploration and self-discovery.

After that period, I emerged ready to give back.

Not just ready, but hungry.

It is my purpose in this life to lift other women up so that they can express their true potential to live in harmony and break free from feeling trapped.

What Issues Do I Help Tranform?

Every day life brings us so many hurdles to navigate through and most of them can be helped by having a coach by your side, fighting your corner so to speak.

The list of these would be endless, so I will share some of the larger issues that I can help with.

  • anxiety
  • phobias
  • lack of self-love (even though we may be unaware of it)
  • negative inner speak
  • self-sabotage
  • midlife crisis
  • menopause
  • life after 50
  • being true to self
  • body image
  • yo-yo dieting
  • obsession with dieting
  • communication in relationships
  • dealing with infidelity
  • separation
  • feeling alone
  • changing our relationship with alcohol
  • switching out habits which no longer serve us
  • changing to a healthier diet
  • becoming vegan
  • abundance and wealth
  • spiritual connection
  • finding inner wisdom
  • the law of attraction and manifesting our reality

These are not all-inclusive, there are more subtle issues we deal with in coaching sessions, but this is an initial list of many of the topics I help my clients with.

Go ahead and schedule a call, there’s no obligation or pressure, just a friendly chat!

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