Spiritual Mindset Coaching

How Coaching with Soraya Works

What’s it like to get coaching with Soraya? How much time is needed? How do I get started?

In this post, we’re going to dive into the nitty-gritty of coaching with me, Soraya.

If you’re considering getting coaching and wondering how it works, then this article is for you.

If you want to know more about mindset coaching first, you may like to read What is Mindset Coaching with Soraya?

Welcome! And let’s get to it!

How to Get Started?

So you’ve decided you’re interested in coaching but you feel unsure about whether you will get the results you’re looking for.

Or maybe you feel worried about the actual process of coaching?

Whatever it is, this is an exciting journey and I aim to take the doubt out of the process. To do that, I have included several steps designed to create a safety net for the client.

First of all, we may hop on a (free) virtual coffee video call so that you can ask any questions and get a feeling for who I am and whether we jive together.

Although it isn’t a coaching call, it’s a great starting point to feel the vibe and see whether we both want to proceed to the next step.

The virtual coffee may be skipped entirely and we may hop straight onto the next step: the discovery call.

The Discovery Call

On the discovery call, we look at where you are currently and where you want to get to. We dive into the end-game results of taking a coaching package and establish some of the tools to help you get there.

The call is equally crucial for you as it is for me. While you can ask everything about the offer, I have the opportunity to see whether I can truly help get you to your desired destination.

(Often, it isn’t about just a ‘destination’ but I use the term loosely to describe your desired results.)

I am very passionate about getting results, so I only take on clients whom I feel are a fit for my program.

I do NOT take someone on just to make a sale. (BTW that would be my idea of a nightmare, so you can be sure I won’t be doing that!! 🤣)

If I feel for any reason that I can’t get you the results you seek, I may be able to point you in the right direction – and I will also offer any advice I feel may speed up your journey to success.

If we both feel that we are a fit, however, then we move on to the next stage and discuss the specific length of coaching needed for the results you want to manifest.

Coaching Packages with Soraya

I have two main coaching packages.

One of 3 months and one of 6 months.

The choice of package will depend on the depth and nature of the issue. Some things can be achieved faster than others.

Whichever package you choose, we will meet once a week at an agreed and established time/day on Zoom. As well as the call, there are tools which you get to implement in the days between coaching calls.

Coaching Calls

During the call, we dive into the relevant topics that are coming up in your life. You get to share everything and I will ask you questions to help clarify things so that as we progress, you get a clearer idea of what is going on in your subconscious mind.

While you may choose to keep some topics ‘off the table’ the best results will come when you feel completely confident and open to share. Everything shared in the call is strictly confidential.

The call is a ‘safe space’. That means there is unconditional support and zero judgment. When I am coaching, I am in YOUR corner. I get to view the world from your eyes and help you to see the blindspots that have been holding you back.

I may offer tools from my own life, such as self-hypnosis, voice dialogue, mediation, and visualisations or I may offer tools from NLP or from traditional coaching techniques.
At the end of the call, we agree on the tasks for you to focus on until the following week.

Satisfaction Guarantee

The 3-month coaching package is payable in advance, after the discovery call and before the first coaching session.

The 6-month package can be split into two payments of 3 months.

No matter which option you choose, I have included a satisfaction guarantee because getting results for my clients is the most important aspect of my work.

So, if, after 4 coaching sessions (1 month), a client feels that they are not on the right program, I will issue a full refund of the whole package. I do this because I want you to feel safe in your investment. This is an investment in YOU. How can you know for sure before you start, that you have chosen the right coach?

This system gives you that option.

There is only one stipulation for the refund. In order to get the refund, you must have a complete call with me about how you feel about the program and why you feel it isn’t for you. There is no judgment and no bad feeling.

This makes it a win-win as I get to learn from your viewpoint.

This refund is NOT about having achieved your results in 4 sessions – that is too quick to see real change. It is about you FEELING that you are on the right program.

Unfortunately, I cannot offer a refund just because you decide you don’t want coaching anymore. It has to be based on a lack of integrity between what you’re seeking and what I’m offering.

Results at the End of Coaching

In real life, we always have hurdles, issues and ongoing situations which we want to have support with, so it may well be that you want to renew your coaching package and use it as a life coaching support for all that comes your way.

Or you may have achieved step one of your desired goal and want to continue to step two and so on.

But if you decide not to renew, we will evaluate where you have got to and how far you have come from when we started.

I can only tell you from personal experience, that coaching is an incredibly powerful tool to unlock our inner blockages and I look forward to welcoming you aboard!

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