Artwork by Soraya

About Soraya

Soraya Gwynne-Evans on a beach with arms up and facing into the wind

My Story

My purpose in life now is to grow and expand and to help others to do the same.

I’ve had many lives in this one incarnation on Earth! Too many to put into this short post!

I’ve lived a blessed life and I’ve learned tons of valuable information along the way.

Born in London in 1967, I was a painfully shy and sensitive girl who would blush at the slightest comment and hide from the world as much as possible.

I soon discovered that animals understood me and I understood them, far better than I could say for humans!

So my young life was spent growing up in the UK with animals as my best friends. During these years, I learned to see and appreciate the beauty of life in everything around me (though maybe I didn’t realise that until I was older). 

As a young child, I felt connected to Spirit and would consult my inner voice whenever in doubt. I had such a huge faith in the Universe and that everything working out as it should, that I never evaluated situations, I just acted on gut instinct.

So much so, that I made decisions based purely on how they felt.

However, there was much for me to learn on my spiritual path and it would take me until my 50s to really find myself ‘at home’ with being true to myself.

At the age of 18, I took myself off to Australia for a year, working in the horse racing industry as a rider. After my return, I worked in a pub for a while before taking a job on the island of Jersey as head girl for a competition livery yard and I stayed there for just over a year.

My life as a horse rider led me to work and live in Bedfordshire, and later in Devon, followed by Tuscany, Italy and finally back to Devon where I briefly settled as a rider for a jump racing stables.

But I was itchy. The UK wasn’t for me.

I didn’t know it yet, but I was about to receive a sign from the universe – a signal to take action on my desires. One day at work, we were understaffed and the horses who were not in racing were being kept in their stables for too long.

A young colt had spent 4 days locked in his stable and my name was down on the list to ride him that morning. Soon I was being grasshoppered and bucked around like Zebadee, bouncing around on an overfed and under-exercised young colt.

He won the moment and I landed in a heap on the ground.

My ankle was broken. I was out of work.

(*I would like to add that I was not a vegan at this time, and these activities are no longer in alignment with my ethics – but I do not believe in regrets and I did the best I knew how with the information that I had. And ironically, I loved all the racehorses who crossed my path. I sincerely believed they had a better life than many other horses.)

Years later I would receive another signal from the universe!

I broke my ankle AGAIN!! 🤣

And this time, the fracture refused to heal. And so it came to be that I was alone in my house with no husband, no money, a mortgage to pay, a bunch of rescue horses and dogs to feed, a daughter to care for – and no possibility for work.

How could I possibly get out of this situation?

I had to go through a mental downward spiral – and then began the serious work of looking inward. I did so much self-work. I read books, I journaled, I set intentions; I made plans that had no realistic way of being completed but I knew they were necessary if I were going to get out of where I was.

I said to myself over and again: ‘I’m going to kick at these walls until one of them gives. I’m going to kick and kick and keep kicking until one day, one of them will turn into a door and I will walk through it.

There was no way my logical brain could solve my situation.

But with the help of the Law of Attraction and many other things, my story became a fairytale of success as one by one, my solutions poured into my life.

We remained close friends with my ex-husband until he passed several years later. He was a dear person and friend who couldn’t be the person I had wanted him to be when we were married.

Fast forward, and I have grown so much.

I now live in appreciation of those who cross my path. I have developed a love for human connections which I never had before.

I used to feel like an island; now I feel like a part of the whole.

I know that you are beautiful and amazing and can create what you want to see flowing into your life. I know that you can overcome the obstacles that are standing in your path. I know that you can be happy.

I know that you can shine your brightest light and discover your greatest gifts.

And at the beginning of 2023, I became a mindset coach so that I can help other women to empower themselves to overcome their barriers and live life to their full potential.

I am a passionate vegan, student of life and believer in creating our own reality. I love hiking, reading, writing, meeting people, coaching, painting, swimming, learning new things, taking new challenges and doing yoga.

I also blog over on Love Vegan Living

And I welcome you to my world!

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